Monday 22 March 2010

4 days to go!

It's Monday 22nd March. My last training run is over. I should really run for 30 mins tomorrow, but is that really going to make the difference...I've been saying that for a few runs lately! Anyway on Sunday I finished with 90 mins including Lansdown Lane. Those who don't run around Bath may not know this, but I've run up everyone of the hills around here, and this is the hardest by far. It was a good measure for how I am feeling and I got up it a breeze.

Left hip is really sore though, almost feels dislocated at times...not ideal for 78.6 miles. Woke up last night for the second time unable to bend my left leg...arrrgh what is happening. Thankfully my pretend Tonsillitis has cleared and so nothing can stop me now.

I should be packing and I will in a minute as soon as I have this blog up and running ready for the video and pictures of the whole event.

1 comment:

  1. I can barely blog without training for three marathons. Glad the pretend tonsillitis has cleared, sorry the hip is sore and incredibly grateful you have the energy to even consider the slightest incline in Bath, let alone 78.6 miles over three days. Am watching this space with my jaw on the floor!
